Things have greatly improved for anyone seeking to achieve a healthy, beautiful, long-lasting smile. The techniques, technology and materials available to our orthodontist at Atlantic Avenue Braces provide a menu of options that can provide first-rate results more efficiently than ever before. Take braces, for example. At one time metal braces were the only choice. Not so anymore, with ceramic braces offering a “clear” choice. It’s no surprise that some four million people in the U.S. are wearing some form of braces — with adults comprising a full 25 percent of those.
The options for braces have grown as the need for them has expanded. Although traditional metal braces are still the most popularly worn versions of this treatment, patients have been increasingly asking our specialist about these ceramic cousins. There are important differences between the two options, and our orthodontist is more than happy to discuss them with our patients.
Metal braces are composed of stainless steel brackets affixed to the front or back of the teeth and wires that have been tightened to align the wearer’s teeth and bite. The brackets and wires are typically attached with rubber bands called ligatures.Ceramic braces are less noticeable because their brackets are clear or tooth-colored, although they still employ metal wires and ligatures.
There are some other significant differences between these two options. Traditional metal brackets tend to cost less, and ceramic braces may become discolored over time, and also may need to be worn longer to achieve the desired results. Keep in mind that the length of treatment always depends on the severity of each individual case and other factors.
Of course, orthodontic care is about a lot more than choosing the right treatment option. It’s about choosing the right orthodontist. Our orthodontist at Atlantic Avenue Braces has the expertise and experience to deliver results that are second to none. Our patients have plenty of reasons to smile! Please contact us today to schedule a consultation.
By Atlantic Avenue Braces
September 28, 2022